Membership benefits include the opportunity to:

Be part of a supportive, worldwide community of like-minded people

Receive our quarterly journal Destinations (in PDF format), packed with contributions from one-placers and others with useful knowledge to share, and dip into the archive of back issues in the Members Only section of our website  – download a sample copy (March 2020) here

Have an email alias so that the contact details for your study remain constant, even if you change your ISP or email address

Register your one-place study and have a profile page created for it on our website – great for publicising your OPS (and its website if you have one) – see an example here

Take part in our members’ monthly webinars and our annual online conference, featuring presentations (with Q & A sessions) on a range of one-place study topics 

Be recognised as the expert for your study place (something that can lead to valuable exchanges of information with others who share your interest in that place)

Share your knowledge and boost the profile of your study by writing articles for Destinations, giving presentations to our online meetings, and contributing posts to our blog, about aspects of your one-place study research

Take advantage of Member Offers, including a 10% discount on the One-Place Study course from the experts at Pharos Tutors, 10% off the full fantastic range from Old Postcards, and discounts at BALH on their webinars and workshops.

Join our private Facebook Group to ask questions and share information with fellow members

Join in with our regular “#OnePlaceWednesday Live” chats on Zoom

Free membership for students under the age of 21

Join up and join in!

The Society for One-Place Studies is a leading organisation dedicated to supporting One-Placers worldwide.

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Contact Us

By email:

By post:
Society for One-Place Studies,
28 St Ronan’s Avenue,
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0QE
United Kingdom

© The Society for One-Place Studies