Kittitas Valley Cemetery

Country: United States of America

Region (County/State/Province): Kittitas County, Washington

Website: None

Contact: Kami Todd

Study Description 

This study began as a critical examination of the first “settler” cemetery in Kittitas Valley. Changes to the cemetery in the 1960’s prompted the examination with the goal of determining if graves – primarily those of Native Americans, as well as Chinese and black railroad workers, and County indigent – were disturbed/destroyed and identification of those buried in the disturbed sections.

This study rapidly expanded in scope while attempting to trace the incomplete land title for the cemetery, the genealogies of three remaining Indian headstones, historic records, and the genealogies and family histories of those who are likely related to the lost buried.

The study now includes the historic population changes as nomadic tribal populations were displaced and/or removed from the Kittitas Valley in favor of white settlement, early settlers and the various land claims and land transfers, and the more contemporary histories for the towns of Ellensburg and Thorp.


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