Country: USA

Region (County/State / Province): Wisconsin

Website: None specified

Contact: Karla Von Fumetti Staudt

Photo Credit: None specified

Study Description 

Settlers started purchasing land in the unnamed valley in the late 1840s. It became commonly named in reference to the Purdy family who owned several tracts of land in the valley starting in 1859. It was largely settled after the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862 and was a small farming community with few community buildings.

At the start of WWII, the land was taken by eminent domain by the US Government to expand an adjoining Army base in 1942 and all families were evicted. To this date, Purdy Valley descendants still have strong interests in the people who lived there and the land they farmed. The aim of this study is to delineate Purdy Valley by border description and share the names and stories of the people who lived there at any time from when the Purdy family settled there in 1859 until the 1942 eviction.




Purdy Valley was an unincorporated area in the Town of Greenfield. As such no census count was made for Purdy Valley. From 1930-1940 there were approximately 15-20 families living there at any given time. Estimated population 100.

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