Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Lincolnshire

Website: None specified

Contact: Tracey Worboys

Study Description 

“WALTHAM, a large, pleasant, and well-built village, 3 1/2 miles S. by W. of Grimsby, has in its parish 545 inhabitants and 2,240 acres of land, supposed to have been formerly covered with wood, as the roots, trunks, and boughs of trees are often found about three feet below the present surface; and some years ago a singular petrifaction, having the appearance of a large fish, or serpent, was dug up.” (1842 White’s History, Gazetteer and Directory)

This study is in its infancy. It is my first OPS and as such I am starting small with the 1851 Census. The aim is to then build outwards holistically looking at the people, buildings and place aspects of the parish. In time I hope to share information and stories via a blog and possibly a website.
My interest in the parish comes from my ancestors being members of this community between 1700 and 1900. The study will complement my SUDDABY One Name Study which is also in its infancy.


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