St Michael's Raddington 2007

Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Somerset

Website: None specified

Contact: Claire Becker

Study Description 

Raddington and the surrounding parishes have long been the centre of our family research. Begun by my father in the 1970s along with his yet to be discovered 4th and 5th cousins who lived locally and were searching for us in New Zealand. I have been collecting census information and am aware of online sources for church records and other records which are held in the county archive. The manor of Raddington was owned for some years by my family and I would like to be able to collect and share information about all of the families in the parish throughout the years. At the time of the 1841 census my family was related in one way or another to every one of the families occupying the farms in the small parish, and there were still some distant relatives there in the 1980s. I just want to find out as much as I can and share it all.


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