Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Suffolk


Contact: Suzie Morley

Study Description 

Stonham Aspal – formerly called Stonham Antegan – is a small village along what was the Earl Stonham Road and is now the A1120 which runs from Stowmarket in the West towards the East Coast. It includes the original 3 hamlets of Three Crossways, East End and Mill Green.

The Church is, unusually, named St. Mary and St. Lambert and sits in the heart of the Village, opposite the village School and the The Ten Bells Pub and next door to the Village Hall. The Pub takes its name from the ten bells in the Church Tower.

The village is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as having a population of 27, and in the 2011 Census had a population of 675.


None specified


 In 2011 the population was 675.

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