
Over the course of April we are exploring the studies registered with the Society for One-Place Studies featuring those that correspond to the relevant letter of the alphabet.

What is a One Place Study? That is a fine question and rather than me explain, I will refer you to the Society’s informative website. If you are interested in joining us and /or registering a study we of course welcome you. You can find the joining information HERE.

B is for…

Bourne End: The Bourne End study is registered the Society for One-Place Studies. Bourne End is located in the English county of Buckinghamshire, at the southern end of the county where it meets the River Thames.

The population was heavily influenced by the paper mills that were in the area because of the amount of people they employed. The Study has its own website and actively encourages collaboration by incorporating a Wiki into the Study. The study is hosted by Dave, who is also the owner of the picture here and I am sure he would be delighted to hear from you if you have links to Bourne End.

Bourne End

Bradfield: The Study registered with the Society for One-Place Studies encompasses the two villages  in  South Yorkshire that make up the parish; Low Bradfield and High Bradfield. The study holder, Nigel, is seeking to create a parish reconstruction, building an understanding about the lives of the individuals that have gazed upon this landscape.

The image shown here is done so under Creative Commons Licence by Mick Knapton.

Low Bradfield Yorkshire - creative common licence

Bramhope: The Bramhope study is registered with the Society for One-Place Studies. The parish is named in the Doomsday book and there are various Medieval spellings of the parish name.

The study is registered by Denise who I am sure would be interested to hear if you have an interest in this Yorkshire parish. The picture used in the post has been provided by Denise.

Bramhope Puritan Chapel

Brampton: The Brampton Study is registered with the Society for One-Place Studies and is located in the Huntingdonshire area of Cambridgeshire. The parish study includes the smaller parishes of Ellington and Grafton.

This picture is from the Parish website where you can find more information about the parish. The study holder, Steven, I am sure would like to hear from you if you have an interest in the parish as he unravels the lives of the parishioners and the history of the main church, which is called St Marys.


Bratton Clovelly: The Bratton Clovelly study is registered with the Society of One-Place Studies.

Bratton Clovelly is in West Devon in the west country of England. The parish has links back to Anglo-Saxon times. The population has fluctuated, by 1840 the population was 900 but for the most part the population was around 400. So why was there such a fluctuation in the population? Why not visit the In-Depth report written by Kim who runs the parish study and who holds the copyright for the image shown. Still intrigued? Then why not visit the Bratton Clovelly Study website. If you have any interest in the parish I am sure that Kim will be delighted to hear from you.

Bratton Clovelly Ivy Cottage

Bridge Street, Shipley: The Bridge Street study is registered with the Society for One-Place Studies.

The street is located in Shipley which is just north of Bradford. The road itself was built in the mid nineteenth century, and has links to the study holder, Sue’s own family. The image shown here is from Wikipedia and shows the Canal at Shipley.


Brierfield: The Brierfield study is registered with the Society for One-Place Studies and is located in English county of Lancashire.

The Study holder and owner of this picture, Kathy, is seeking to understand and discover the journey that Brierfield has been under, from a farming area to a milling town. That sounds a fascinating piece of research and I am sure Kathy would be delighted to hear from you if your ancestors were involved in this area of work or lived in this location.


Buckland Brewer: The Buckland Brewer study is registered with the Society of One-Place Studies.

Located in north Devon; a rural agricultural community yet just six miles from the sea. The population in 1841 was a little over 1100. Perhaps you want to know more about the study? Well, you can! The study is part of the Buckland Brewer History Group and the photograph is credited to the Chair of the Buckland Brewer History Group, Janet, who I am sure would be delighted to hear from you if you have links to the village. There is also a rather interesting Buried in Buckland Project which I recommend you have a look at if you are interested in this region of Devon.

Buckland Brewer Church 2007

Bucks Mills: The Bucks Mills study is registered with the Society of One-Place Studies. The village is situated in North Devon and is a small fishing hamlet.

The study holder has spent an enormous amount of time researching the location and a full community reconstruction has been painstakingly carried out. There is a full In-Depth report of the parish. Janet, the study holder was so enthralled with the parish that she used it for her Doctoral thesis. The cottages of the community feature in a book written by Janet and the picture used below is copyrighted to Janet’s daughter, Rebecca, which is indicative of the many fishing folk from Bucks Mills that sailed and fished those waters.

Bucks Mill coast copyright Rebecca Leese

Bulkworthy: The Bulkworthy study is registered with the Society of One-Place Studies. The area is predominately agricultural and located in North Devon.

A full community reconstruction has been carried out for the nineteenth century. Researchers interested in this area would be recommended to read the study holder, Janet’s Doctoral thesis. The picture below is copyrighted to the study holder, Janet, who I am sure would be delighted to hear from you if you have an interest in this parish and community. The parish has its own web site.

Bulkworthy Church

Julie Goucher, A-Z Challenge Coordinator

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