
Over the course of April we are exploring the studies registered with the Society for One-Place Studies featuring those that correspond to the relevant letter of the alphabet.

What is a One Place Study? That is a fine question and rather than me explain, I will refer you to the Society’s informative website. If you are interested in joining us and /or registering a study we of course welcome you. You can find the joining information HERE.

Z is for...

Zeeland: For our final letter of the alphabet we head across the North Sea to The Netherlands, to the study of Sint Anna ter Muiden. Registered with the Society for One-Place Studies, this is the second study in The Netherlands and the second registered by Yvette.

The study is creating a population study for this ancient community which has existed since at least the Middle Ages when it had a thriving port. As time went on, the river silted and the port became inaccessible. That was sadly the beginning of the decline.

Yvette has created a website for her study with a wiki of historical information along with a genealogical database. For all you English speakers, just press the Google translate button! If you are interested in this region of The Netherlands, then please let Yvette know by dropping her an email.

Sint Anna ter Muiden

This concludes the A – Z of Registered Studies. I shall be back in a few weeks with a small update about the challenge. I hope you have enjoyed reading about the studies and that perhaps you are now inspired to create one of your own. If you are, then head over to the website and we would love to welcome you to the Society.

Julie Goucher, A-Z Challenge Coordinator

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