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Society for One-Place Studies,
28 St Ronan’s Avenue,
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0QE
United Kingdom
This is our tenth anniversary year and some of our members are doing a mini-project with a ‘10’ theme. Ideas in progress include:
• Changes in the community in a 10/100/1000 year period
• The 10th person in the parish register or in a census enumeration
• A family with 10 members
• Ten things about place
• Top ten: surnames, forenames, occupations, denominations attended in the 1851 religious census…
If you haven’t already started a ‘10’ based project do give it a go. This can be as large or as short as you wish. Your results can be written up for Destinations or shared at a webinar, either the full evening or a snippet at a ‘members’ contributions’ session.