Woodnorth, Manitoba

Country: Canada

Region (County/State/Province): Manitoba 

Website: https://pamelaforsyth.com/woodnorth-manitoba-canada/

Contact: Pamela Forsyth

Study Description

Woodnorth, Manitoba is the village where my maternal grandparents settled when they came to Canada in the early 20th century. My family lived there for decades. I inherited or acquired photos & information about the community, including early records of the Woodnorth Consolidated School Board, and have posted these items on a website for the interest of others who lived in the community or had ancestors there. As I find additional material it will be posted as well. The village has almost disappeared by 2020 but I want its existence to be remembered as part of the historical record of Manitoba and of Canada.


None specified


2 in 1909; about 90 in 1930; 2 in 2019

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In-Depth Report

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