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Society for One-Place Studies,
28 St Ronan’s Avenue,
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0QE
United Kingdom
Our blogging and social media prompts have been designed with our members in mind, but anyone can take part – even if they don’t have a formal one-place study (see One-place study blogging prompts 2021 – everyone’s invited!). The prompts are a series of monthly themes or topics for one-place study activities. Those activities can be any or all of the following:
You are free to use any or all of these prompts – you might look at the topics and see that you can do something for January, March, April and June but not for February or May, for example. We hope that this approach will be flexible enough to give everyone an opportunity to take part, whatever the nature of your Place, your favourite areas of research, or the amount of time you have available.
Articles on the topics written by members for Destinations can be sent to the editor at any time for publication, but where possible please post related blog and social media posts during the relevant months.
Hopefully you will find at least one topic which will spark your interest and prompt you to participate. If not, we have more to come – Hopefully you will find lots of topics which will spark your interest and prompt you to participate – and we have more to come! You can of course put forward suggestions for any that you would like to see included.
A prompt for you to investigate oral histories, local accents, dialects or sayings, and more. Have the voices of any people from your place been captured, in writing or through sound recordings, bringing their interests, concerns, or details of their daily lives into the present day, in their own words? Are the voices of current OPS residents being captured, and if so how (and how are they being preserved)? As always, creativity and broad interpretation is welcome: you might try writing (or posting to social media) in the voice of one of your OPS residents, or, if your place itself had a voice – if its walls could talk – what might it say?
Social media hashtag: #OnePlaceVoices
This month’s prompt ties in with the A to Z Blogging Challenge held in April each year. Some one-placers are planning to add 26 posts to their OPS blogs over the course of the month, one for each letter of the alphabet. For our prompt however, you can opt for something less demanding. Possibilities include a single or two-part blog post tackling an A to Z of people, features or themes connected your place, in words or perhaps in pictures. If you frequent social media platforms, you could contribute a series of A to Z posts over the month. Have fun finding, and sharing, someone or something for each letter of the alphabet!
Social media hashtag: #OnePlaceAtoZ
What lies beneath your place? Use geological maps or other sources to find out what rocks or other materials (such as gravels, sands, clays and mineral deposits) your place and its environs sit upon, and when those rocks and other deposits were formed. Consider how that underlying geology has affected the local topography, soils, watercourses, and vegetation. How, in turn, has all this affected human activity in your place, including settlement patterns (and locally-sourced building materials), agriculture, industry (including mining or brick-making, for example), and transport routes?
Social media hashtag: #OnePlaceGeology
By email:
By post:
Society for One-Place Studies,
28 St Ronan’s Avenue,
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0QE
United Kingdom
© The Society for One-Place Studies