Country: Canada

Region (County/State / Province): Ontario


Contact: Mark Suggitt

Photo Credit: None specified

Study Description 

The Little Britain (Ontario) One Place Study. The study begins with a United Church Women’s Committee book published in 1939 celebrating the previous century of the church in this community and which includes paragraph profiles for about 60 settler families directly connected to the church. The core effort of this study is to document the settler families and their stories, producing profiles for each family member on

The study starts with the centennial book but is open anyone arriving in the Little Britain area up to the 1891 Canada census. As of 2024 December there are 70 individual Wikitree profiles directly connected to the study, representing 11 families, and 31 surnames.

The open nature of Wikitree allows anyone to contribute to the study.


Early settlement, about 1834, through the 1891 Canada census.


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In-Depth Report

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