122-124 Columbia Heights House History

Country: United States of America

Region (County/State / Province): New York

Website: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:122-124_Columbia_Heights_One_Place_Study

Contact: Azure Robinson

Study Description 

From 1843 to 1856, the property was owned by Horace Brigham Claflin. From 1856 to 1881, it was the home of Henry Ward Beecher, the renowned abolitionist, and pastor of Plymouth Church. In 1881, Beecher sold the property to George Ludovic Benet.
In May of 1909, the WTBTS (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) purchased the property among others spanning an entire city block. The buildings at 122 and 124 Columbia Heights served as residences for the volunteers serving at the worldwide headquarters of what was to become the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion.
After over 100 years as “Brooklyn Bethel”, the property was sold in 2016 to Vincent Viola for $105 million.




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