Country: United States of America

Region (County/State/Province): Pennsylvania

Study Area: Dunmore, Lackawanna

Website: None

Contact: Alaine Keisling

Study Description 

Prior to the start of mining, Dunmore was a handful of homes in a section of Providence Township, Luzerne County, in northeastern Pennsylvania. The first mine opened in 1847, at which point the owners made a concerted effort to attract Irish and other miners. In the 1860 census, township people who used the Dunmore post office were identifiable. It became a borough in 1866, and is found as an entity in the 1870 census through today.


None specified


There were 4,311 residents in 1870; 5,151 in 1880; 8,315 in 1890; 12,583 in 1900; 17,615 in 1910; 20,250 in 1920; 22,627 in 1930; and 23,086 in 1940, it’s census peak. Dunmore has been holding steady at about 14,000 residents since 2000.

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