Northport Washington

Country: USA

Region (County/State / Province): Washington

Website: None specified

Contact: Ann Van Dielen

Study Description 

 Northport, Washington is a small town located in the northeastern corner of the state. It is know for its beautiful scenery, and its history as a mining town, and its close-knit community.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the genealogy of Northport residents. This interest is due in part to the town’s rich history and to the availability of online genealogical resources.

The purpose of this proposal is to establish Northport, Washington as a one-place study site for genealogy. This would involve creating a central repository of genealogical resources for the town and its residents. The repository would include:
Birth records, Death records, Marriage records, Census records, Land records, Newspaper articles, Family histories, Other relevant materials.

The repository would be accessible to researchers online and in person. It would be used to help people learn about their family history and to connect with other Northport residents.


1884 through the 1930’s.


 Population was 293 in 2021

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In-Depth Report

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