Country: England

Region (County/State/Province): Cambridgeshire


Contact: Sadie McMullon

Study Description 

As a result of the research I undertook for my doctorate ‘Migration to Fletton 1841-1911’ with the University of Leicester I amassed a vast quantity of evidence, records and biographies. What better way to utilise these than with a micro study of Fletton. My study will initially focus on the period 1841 to 1911. It will consider the impact that both the railways and brickyards had in the area. There will also be a collection of biographies of both the migrants who came to Fletton and those individuals who were resident in Fletton their whole lifetime. There is now a website where this information can be accessed, although this is in it’s infancy. I am always looking for new information so please get in touch.


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256 in 1841

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