Port Carlisle

Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Cumbria

Website: None specified

Contact: Liz Graydon

Photo Credit: Author’s own

Study Description 

Port Carlisle is a small coastal village on the north coast of Cumbria. It was of considerable importance as it was at the sea outlet of the Carlisle Canal and shipping would allow trade between Carlisle and Liverpool, Scotland and Ireland. It opened in 1819 and was later overshadowed by the emergence of the docks at Silloth and eventually became redundant in 1853.

The study focusses on the village and it’s inhabitants in the 1800s with particular focus on the mariners and their families who lived there, including some of my husband’s family.

A website will be built gradually from accessible information, initially online information, on its houses, people, landmarks and history.




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