Country: England

Region (County/State/Province): Devon

Study Area: Parish of Charleton (South Portion) – Parish of Sherford borders on the NE

Website: None

Contact: Hugh Smith

Study Description 

Looking at the holistic history of the parish initially between 1700 – 1899 looking at the social history as well as the dates and events. Hoping to look at and analyse the lives, occupation, industry, drivers of changes. List any record sources available, provide links to existing online sources and data sets. My reason for selecting this parish as my first OPS is that I am researching the SHEPHERD line from Charleton, and in doing this I will be collecting and evaluating records. So why not make it available to others to assist their research.


None specified


Variable – 1850 both portions 703 people (White’s Directory)

Social Media Links

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In-Depth Report

None specified

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