Sticklepath Main Street 19th Century

Country: England

Region (County/State/Province): Devon


Contact: Helen Shields

Study Description 

My childhood village and my ancestors village for 200 years at the Northern edge of Dartmoor National Park on the river Taw. In 1900 this typical one-street Devon village, with picturesque thatched cottages, was on the main carriage route from London to Cornwall (now the ‘old A30’). Its Burgage style plots were set back from the road and hidden from travellers. The River Taw was cleverly diverted to provide water-power for several woollen, grain and grist mills as well as the now National Trust Finch Foundry. The noise and smell from this ‘smithy’ dominated the centre of the village. On the ‘Sticklepath Fault’ its geology allowed employment in several mines and quarries in the surrounding area.

In the 1700s there were reputedly about 200 ‘Friends’ living in Sticklepath. Visited by the Wesleys on several occasions it had a strong Methodist tradition from the late 1700s, commemorated in the ‘White Rock’ and flag pole on the Mount looking down over the village. The Wesleyan Chapel, now due renovation as a private residence and the ‘Quaker burying ground’ (non-denominational since about 1820) remind us of this religious heritage as well as the ‘White Rock’ on the hillside where Wesley is said to have preached.

This fledgling project starting September 2020 we hope will become a collaborative repository of stories and information. There are 3 main strands:

A website- where we are gradually building the accessible information on its houses, landmarks and history. Bringing the families and individuals to life.

A blog- sharing stories, questions and information. Aiming for 2-4 posts per month and accessible through the website or the link below.

A database- using ‘NameandPlace’, a forward thinking analytical tool to help us consider changes in population across the census years, varying prevalence of occupations, and more complex issues such as migration. Why and when do people move in and out of the village? Plus much more.


None specified


None specified 5-600 in 1841 (boundaries not confirmed yet)

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