Lechlade Halfpenny Bridge

Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Gloucestershire

Website: app.weare.xyz/public/lechlade-on-thames-gloucestershire/places/9oxdr1kv5e2n

Contact: Fiona Stone

Photo Credit: Author’s own

Study Description 

My study, which will be conducted over a number of years, will be of the parish of Lechlade-on-Thames, which consists of the town and a few outlying farms. The town, which sits on the eastern edge of the Cotswolds, borders Wiltshire and Oxfordshire, and consists of many handsome Cotswold buildings, many of which are listed. It is, as its name suggests, located on the banks of the river Thames. There is much of historical interest both in terms of people and as a locality.

My study will begin in one street – Sherborne Street.


Initially 19th and 20th century but this will evolve over time.


The 2011 census indicates that there were 2, 850 people living in Lechlade parish in 1, 320 households.

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