Country: England

Region (County/State/Province): Hampshire


Contact: Elizabeth Kipp

Study Description 

Upper Clatford is approximately 1 km south of Andover and is situated in the beautiful rolling green hills of north west Hampshire. My grandfather was born there and my Blake line goes back to 1757 at Upper Clatford when it married into the King line that was at Upper Clatford for at least several hundred years prior to that time.

I have transcribed the Parish Registers up to the late 1890s and do have the census for this small village. I plan to produce family lineages from the parish records and I am related to many of the families who lived in this village. Because Blake is one of my one-name studies I have a strong interest in Blake in this entire area and have transcribed a number of registers including Andover up to 1760. Upper Clatford is in the Domesday Book as Clatford so is an ancient village to the British Isles. I have visited this village in 2008.


None specified


1891 Census 736

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