South Farm

Country: England

Region (County/State/Province): Somerset

Study Area: South Street Farm, South Petherton TA13 5AE


Contact: Ann Marie Gould

Study Description 

South farmhouse is an 18th-century farmhouse in the South Somerset town of South Petherton. Although the property bears a date stone of 1700 and is believed to be built on the foundations of a previous property, its first hundred years still remains a mystery, although it is likely to have been home to various tenants of Lord Henry Arundell. Throughout the 1800s South Street Farm was home to the Vaux family, a family line of South Petherton which dates back to the 16th century.

If these walls could speak they would tell you of love and loss, triumphs and heartbreak, and an amazing family that played a vital part in South Petherton’s daily life.


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