Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Suffolk

Website: None specified

Contact: Samantha Godley

Photo Credit: None specified

Study Description 

Culford is a village lying about 4 miles north of Bury St Edmunds. It developed along the main road called ‘The Street’ and most of the houses in the village were built as part of the Culford Estate. Culford Hall was home of the Earl Cornwallis and the previous Tudor style hall was transformed into an 18th century mansion by the family. It was later home to the Cadogan family who undertook further transformation and additions to the building to give the Hall we see today. When Earl Cadogan died Culford Hall was sold to the Methodist Board of Education and Culford School, an independent boarding school for boys and girls between 2 and 18 years old, was formed.

My mother’s paternal family, the Smith’s, lived in Culford from the mid 1700’s to the late 1800’s, that I have found so far. They were thatcher’s and garden labourers.

The study looks at Culford past and present.


All years


298 in 1881 Census

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