Country: England

Region (County/State/Province): Suffolk 


Contact: Suzie Morley

Study Description 

I am probably one of the few one-place studiers who have absolutely no family ties with their study place. I live about three miles outside the village and, as a keen genealogist, have been collecting information and photos about Debenham since I moved here in 1998.

Debenham is mentioned in the Little Domesday Book (Folio 305V, 376V, 377, 378V, 384 and 417V). The land is heavy clay, and is mainly used for agriculture. Although Debenham was one of the earliest wool towns, the clay makes it unsuitable for grazing sheep and the wool was imported.

The Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene stands at the centre of the village, and there is also a United Reformed Church for nonconformists.

Over the years, there have been many “drinking establishments” in Debenham with only two pubs open at the current time, The Angel and The Woolpack.

Further information can be found on the website.


None specified


The population in 2011 was 2,210.

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