Country: England

Region (County/State / Province): Suffolk

Website: None specified

Contact: Moira Swinbourne

Study Description 

This is a new study and we are researching the physical and social history of the village. Our aims and objectives are:
• The residents and their occupations
• Residents houses
• The land and how it was used
• Education
• Military service
• The history of the churches in Thrandeston village
• To research the history of properties in the village from their construction to the present day

1. Research the residents on the war memorial and compile a booklet which describes their lives
2. Record the oral history of former residents and their children/grandchildren
3. Encourage residents to research and record the history and features of the properties they live in
4. Develop an archive of local photos
5. Record family history and social history books and archival records/documents held by residents of the village
6. Transcribe and record the 1841, 1851, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 censuses
7. Transcribe and record the 1939 register for the village
8. Transcribe and record the tithe records
9. Identify previous residents of Thrandeston with military history
10. Research how enclosures affected the village
11. Analyse the data from records researched to provide statistics on population to include gender, age, occupations and birthplace
12. Research newspapers for articles on Thrandeston and it’s residents


From current back to 17th century or beyond if records allow.


146 in 2011

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In-Depth Report

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