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Society for One-Place Studies,
28 St Ronan’s Avenue,
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0QE
United Kingdom
It’s great to see 22 one-place studies in Scotland now registered with us, stretching from Orkney to Ayrshire. Can we make it Shetland to Wigtownshire? Lewis to Berwickshire?
Treasure trove found
If you are thinking about a study in Scotland, there’s no time like the present for we have a brand-new publication to help you: Resources for a one-place study in Scotland. A treasure trove of resources for people at all stages of a study. If your study has been languishing a bit in the doldrums this may be just what is needed to kickstart it again.
It is structured round the first four steps of Ten steps to a one-place study, with pointers to help you work out where resources for your place might be located as well as the people and organisations with whom you should make contact. But it’s not “all online”! We’ve included books and other printed material along with information about where records can be accessed in person too. Here’s a taster of the sections:
Where can I find this
Login to the Society’s website and go to Members' Area > Members Resources and then Country Guides.
Many thanks to a small group of Scottish one-placers and Scotland-based members for developing this resource.
Next Steps
Could you co-ordinate or be part of a group to work on resources for another country or area? Please contact if this is something you could do. We can help with providing a template to help structure the information.