
Over the course of April we are exploring the studies registered with the Society for One-Place Studies featuring those that correspond to the relevant letter of the alphabet.

What is a One Place Study? That is a fine question and rather than me explain, I will refer you to the Society’s informative website. If you are interested in joining us and /or registering a study we of course welcome you. You can find the joining information HERE.

J is for...

Joint Project: The Society for One-Place Studies formed in September 2013. One of the objectives set by the founders was that we wanted to be a new and modern Society. We wanted to effectively deal with the past in the present, using modern and twenty-first century communication methods and create a structure that promoted good practice enabling researchers to leave a legacy for the future. You can read about what the Society offers HERE.

We wanted to be different. We wanted to enable, promote and support research in innovative ways and that was the catalyst leading to the Society Joint Projects. Joint.... we work together but on our individual studies. That is innovative and I believe that we are the first Society to offer such a way of researching. Yes, you heard it here first!

The current Joint Project is thematic across the historical world and you can read about it later on in this alphabet challenge. Should you not be able to wait then by all means click HERE and you can read an earlier published blog post HERE.

We have a great project lined up for 2015. It will be shared with members of the Society towards the end of the year and to the wider public in the early part of 2015.

Joint – is also for the team work of the Committee. We as individuals each bring to the table a wealth of experience and knowledge. We then take that combined knowledge, enthusiasm and experience and work as one team promoting and delivering the ethos of the Society

If you want to Join us, then please click HERE and head over to our website.

Julie Goucher, A-Z Challenge Coordinator

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