
Over the course of April we are exploring the studies registered with the Society for One-Place Studies featuring those that correspond to the relevant letter of the alphabet.

What is a One Place Study? That is a fine question and rather than me explain, I will refer you to the Society’s informative website. If you are interested in joining us and /or registering a study we of course welcome you. You can find the joining information HERE.

M is for…

Malton: Malton is situated in North Yorkshire and registered with the Society for One-Place Studies. The study has a comprehensive website with early beginnings from 1138, when the town was burnt to the ground by the Bishop of York in order to flush out the Scottish who were in the area. Thankfully we have moved on since then!

The study has particular interest in the Victorian era and if you have an interest in the parish, then drop John an email.

Malton Yorkersgate - 2

Melrose: Crossing the border to Scotland, the parish of Melrose is located in Roxburghshire and registered with the Society for One-Place Studies. You can read more details at the study website, hosted by Viv with a particular interest in the pre-1820 period.

Image of Melrose Abbey copyrighted to Visit Scotland
Image of Melrose Abbey copyrighted to Visit Scotland

Meriden: Located in the Midlands of England and registered with the Society for One-Place Studies. The study host Doreen grew up in the parish and has studied it for many years. The study has its own website with links to books and talks which Doreen has written and given.

Meriden X

Mickfield: This is another study registered with the Society for One-Place Studies and located in Suffolk. A scattered village about three miles from Debenham, the church called St Andrews is one of the oldest in Suffolk and has since been de-consecrated. The study has its https://www.debenham-ops.org.uk/. If your ancestors hail from Mickfield, why not email Suzie?

This image is copyrighted to Suffolk Churches
This image is copyrighted to Suffolk Churches

Milford on Sea: Registered with the Society for One-Place Studies, this Hampshire study has spanned the last twenty years. The study has an impressive list of the residents of every house since 1941. There are also links to Royalty, Admirals and Generals. If you are interested in Milford on Sea, then drop Daphne an email.

Milford on Sea 1930s

Murphys Creek: Registered with the Society for One-Place Studies, this study covers a region in the Toowoomba Hills of Queensland in Australia. The study features the importance of the railway construction. Why not drop Pauleen an email if you have an interest in Murphys Creek?

Murphys Creek 1

Julie Goucher, A-Z Challenge Coordinator

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