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28 St Ronan’s Avenue,
Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0QE
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Over the course of April we are exploring the studies registered with the Society for One-Place Studies featuring those that correspond to the relevant letter of the alphabet.
What is a One Place Study? That is a fine question and rather than me explain, I will refer you to the Society’s informative website. If you are interested in joining us and /or registering a study we of course welcome you. You can find the joining information HERE.
Q is for...
Quainton: For this study, we head to the English county of Buckinghamshire. Registered with the Society for One-Place Studies, this study holder has done what many of us have done. They have taken a simple genealogical puzzle and question and before they knew it, a full blown interest in a place had begun!
The study is centred round a dissertation and will initially feature the period 1799-1801 before expanding further. The study holder, Valerie has undertaken various family reconstructions in order to achieve her academic goals, but would be very interested to hear from researchers whose ancestors hailed from this parish.
Julie Goucher, A-Z Challenge Coordinator
1 Comment
Shawn Yankey
That is pretty neat! Shawn from Laughing at Life 2