A revised and updated version of this book was released in December as a Kindle only book. Although some people may be put off by Kindle only, I personally think it was the best way to release this book due to the many varied links within it.

The book covers every aspect of creating, researching and publishing results of your One-Place study. From explaining what one is, the sources one might use, to creating books, websites etc.

Throughout the book there are links to many websites which can be clicked on within the book. I found a few times whilst reading the book on my Kindle Fire HD that I did this when it was a site that I was not familiar with or had totally forgotten about. This to me is especially useful when I am working on something using my laptop as I have the Kindle app downloaded on it and can access my Kindle books this way. For Non-Fiction books like this one it can be especially useful as you can open the book, go to the relevant section and read through (finding lots of helpful information along the way) and find links to sites you may not have heard of etc.

One that caught my eye early on it the book was the “Key to English Place-Names database” mentioned on Pg. 26. I clicked this link and found my place St Mary Bourne, it suggests that there was a chapel dedicated to St Mary which is not the case now as the church is dedicated to St Peter. However, it’s also provided a list of references as to where this information has come from to look at. Another job for the To-Do List!

One aspect I really liked in the book was the project ideas in each chapter. Looking at Chapter 5, After 1900 there are ones such as “Fertility and Infant Mortality using the 1911 Census” and “Employer and Employees using the 1921 Census”. Chapters 6 – 9 go further back in time so depending on the time frame you are working on you could jump to the relevant chapter and look for ideas for your study.

Throughout the book there are “Further Reading” sections listing other books to consider on all the various subjects mentioned. Some on Population Studies are on my list to get copies of a subject I have yet to do much on.

This book is a MUST HAVE for all doing One-Place Studies regardless of whether you are completely new to the subject or have been researching for many years there is something in this book for all. I come from a Family History background and as an IHGS Student who has nearly completed their correspondence course am familiar with by either having used personally or at least studied most of the sources mentioned, found the “Tomorrow’s History” section of the book the MOST IMPORTANT FOR ME at present. Although a very short chapter there is much in the list that I know of and where to find such information, but I am not recording it!!!

I know this is going to be a book that I refer to regularly going forward as I look at various aspects of the history of my place and when I am looking to produce graphs, population studies etc especially from before the census.

Julie Muirhead

St Mary Bourne One-Place Study

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